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    The Leopard’s Echo and E-Newsletter

    The Leopard's Echo

    The Leopard’s Echo is our in-depth bi-annual features report issued in January and July each year. It is aimed at providing in-depth articles on environmental issues which are pertinent to the Kloof area.

    From our January 2016 edition we have moved away from a downloadable PDF file to a full online e-magazine.

    As a member, you’ll get access to current editions of The Leopard’s Echo.


    Our E-Newsletter is a more traditional form of communication aimed at complementing our social media network channels. It is issued on about the 15th of every month. The aim is to have a relatively brief and easily readable document that will report on activities over the previous month and highlight any major activities in the coming month.

    The E-Newsletter is sent by email to all members.


    The Leopard’s Echo and E-Newsletter