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We are using our web-site, our bi-annual magazine – the Leopard’s Echo, our monthly E-Newsletter and our Facebook pages on an ongoing basis to bring IAP’s to the attention of the public.
Verge Clearing
Kloof Conservancy has a team working on clearing verges of IAPs – this work is paid for by Kloof Conservancy using funds raised from various fund raising activities. The work is done in conjunction with eThekwini Municipality who have endorsed and support the project. The team operates mainly during the growing season from September through to May.
Download a letter from eThekwini Municipality to residents
Gum Clearing
During 2012 Kloof Conservancy initiated a project to remove invasive alien gum trees from the verges and private properties along Kloof Falls Road. The project was co-ordinated by Stephen Nicholson and Dusty Donnelly. The cutting down of the trees was done by a contractor – Guy De Charmoy – who used the proceeds from the sale of the felled gums to finance the felling work.
Over 50 indigenous trees were planted in the area and the project is ongoing as coppicing is a recurring problem and many IAPs have emerged in the cleared area.
Msinsi Grassland Project
The Kloof Conservancy is actively involved in rehabilitating the high biodiversity value KZN Sandstone Sourveld Grassland at the Msinsi CCA. For details click HERE.
Herbicide Assistance
eThekwini Municipality, through its Working on Fire programme, are able to assist Kloof Conservancy with suitable herbicides for eradication purposes. This assistance enables Kloof Conservancy to reduce the cost of the eradication services it provides to residents.
Eradication Services
Kloof Conservancy can provide basic advice on what eradication services are available.