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    Alien Busters

    Problem Properties

    Action to take on properties which contain IAPs

    Whilst we have some serious concerns regarding the effectiveness of the IAS regulations issued on 31 August 2014 we would like to move forward and see them implemented.

    Our concern in Kloof is that we have a significant responsibility to protect not only our own properties, streams and open areas but we have the added responsibility to protect Krantzkloof Nature Reserve. The reserve is a veritable biodiversity treasure trove and it is critically important that the areas surrounding the reserve are kept IAS free.

    There are many high biodiversity value properties in Kloof not only on the border of the reserve but along all the streams and the few grasslands that are left. Most of these properties are demarcated by the D’MOSS system.

    We would like to encourage all residents to help us achieve an Invasive Alien Plant free Kloof. To achieve this the following is necessary:

    1. Ensure your own property is IAP free

    Use our website for information on common IAPs in our area and for service providers that can assist you remove IAPs.

    2. Speak with your neighbours/property owner and ask them to make their gardens/properties IAP free

    We do not want this process to be antagonistic! Some people genuinely do not know what the law requires of them. If your neighbour’s property has IAPs then we recommend the following process:

    a. Speak to your neighbours and advise them about the IAP problem and recommend they visit our website.

    b. Try to get a commitment from them that they will act to remove the IAPs – remind them that it is the duty of all residents to comply with the law.

    c. If you do not get any co-operation then you are entitled (in terms of the IAS regulations) to ask the Department of Environmental Affairs to issue a “directive” – the request for a directive is included as Appendix B in the IAS regulations – download the request form (Appendix B – Request for Directive) and email to AIScompliance@environment.gov.za.

    d. You may also phone the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) hotline.

    The procedure is as follows:

    • Phone the HOTLINE on 0800 205 005
    • Report the problem
    • Obtain a Reference Number
    • Follow-up in 6 – 8 weeks to see what action has been taken

    e. If the IAP species is listed on the CARA listing then you can also send a request for a directive to:
    Ayanda A Goba
    Resource Auditor : uThungulu District and Ethekwini Municipality
    Department : Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (Land Use and Soil Management)
    Telephone : 033 345 3515/57
    Fax :           033 394 6161
    Cell :           082 523 6501
    Email :        GobaA@nda.agric.za

    f. Please do follow-up on your requests and we would appreciate you coping us any correspondence with the authorities so that we can monitor progress. You can e-mail us at info@kloofconservancy.org.za

    Alien Busters

    Problem Properties