Garden No 1

Garden 1 – The garden of Helen and Allan Westwood – 5 Everton Road, Kloof
This garden has never been on show before and has undergone extensive renovation in the very recent past. As such it offers a blend of established and new plantings and numerous interesting features.
This garden is mostly flat and relatively easy to walk through.
Parking: There is limited verge parking – avoid parking on Everton Road as this is a very busy road – please use Halstead Road.
Also at this garden (details to follow):
- Nature Facts Treasure Hunt for children – collect entry form at gate
Garden No 2

Garden No 2 – The Toyota Wessels Institute for Manufacturing Studies (TWIMS), 74 Everton Road, Kloof
This garden has previously been on show with the Rotary Anns but has since been significantly added to with large new gardens and a wetland. It offers a blend of intimate gardening (the original garden) and an extensive corporate garden (the new garden).
This is a very large garden but it easy garden to walk around and very suitable for perople with walking difficulties. We have numerous activities at this garden so allow time to see the garden itself as well as all the extra activities.
The property includes a historical Crowhurst Manor – Crowhurst was built by the Hulett sugar barons at the turn of the 20th century. It was later bought by Sir William and Lady Firth and named after their Elizabethan homestead in Surrey, England. There will be some limited access to the Manor house. Enquire at reception for access.
There is a “club house” on the property where you can sit down in the shade and enjoy the food that is available for purchase.
Parking: There is ample parking inside the premises. Please enter, park and go to the pay station located at the end of the parking area before entering the gardens. There is limited overflow parking on the verges outside the premises.
Also at this garden (details to follow):
- Kloof Conservancy Information Table and information on Invasive Alien Species
- Indigenous Plant Sales by Grasslands Nursery
- Indigenous Plant Sales by HACT Nursery
- Botanical Society KZN Coastal Branch – Information on the Flora of our area
- Lepidopterist Society – information on butterflies and butterfly books for sale
- BirdLife eThekwini KZN – information on the birds of the area
- Anura Africa – information on the amphibians of our area
- Simba Takavada – wire and bead crafts and other garden ornaments
- Carlsen Mangena – wire and bead crafts and other garden ornaments
- Lazarus Kukakunesu – large scale recycled metal garden ornaments
- Woodcraft by Dave Knight – driftwood turned into art
- Butterflying SA / Eco-rocks – butterfly friendly plants and Eco-rocks for sale
- Burgerman – food sales
- HACT Tuk Tuk – coffee and muffins
- Nature Facts Treasure Hunt for children – collect entry form at gate
Garden No 3

Garden 3 – The garden of Betsy and Ant Kee, 5 Pearson Road, Everton
This is a very well established large garden with a “park like” feel and numerous very interesting trees.
This garden has mostly easy sections to walk through but is not wheelchair friendly. The forest section is not suitable for persons with walking difficulties.
Parking: There is limited verge parking available – please use St Clair Avenue and Glenart Road
Also at this garden (details to follow):
- Mend-the-Molweni Project display and information table. Funds raised at this garden will be donated to the Mend-the-Molweni Project.
- Everton Conservancy information and display table
- Tim McClurg – stunning wildlife photographs on canvas
- Nature Facts Treasure Hunt for children – collect entry form at gate
Garden No 4

Garden 4 – The garden of Shireen and Gary Borchardt, 7 Falls View Road, Everton
This stunning garden is packed with a very wide range of locally indigenous species on the edge of Krantzkloof Nature reserve. It is at its best during the winter season so we can expect a colourful display.
Parking: this garden is situated at the end of a cul-de-sac so there is limited parking available on the verge. Please do not block the road and park so that cars can turnaround and exit back up Falls View Road.
Also at this garden (details to follow):
- Renowned indigenous garden specialist Dr Elsa Pooley (as well as the Flora and Fauna Trust team) will be located at this garden and will be available to sign copies of the amazing new book “SOUTH AFRICAN INDIGENOUS GARDEN PLANTS” which Elsa co-authored with Geoff Nichols and Andrew Hankey. Other invaluable indigenous gardening books from the Flora and Fauna Publications Trust will also be available for sale.
- Nature Facts Treasure Hunt for children – collect entry form at gate
Garden No 5

Garden 5 – The garden of Heather and Laurence Balcomb, 8 Kenelm Road, Everton
Under the previous owner this garden was proudly “wild” but has been mildly tamed as Heather and Gary introduced some structure to sections of the garden without detracting from it’s wild nature. There is a small but very “productive” grassland and an extensive forest section to explore.
Parking: Limited verge parking is available on Kenelm Road
Also at this garden (details to follow):
- Well-known reptile expert Pat McKrill will be located at this garden to answer questions on snakes
- Primates Africa will be located at this garden to highlight ways of co-habiting with Vervet monkeys
- Nature Facts Treasure Hunt for children – collect entry form at gate
Garden No 6

Garden 6 – The garden of Izolda and Tanya Visser, 6 Controversy Road, Assagay
This garden is now a regular feature of our garden show and we continue to feature it because of Izolda and Tanya’s passion for encouraging gardening and all that it entails. Tanya always rejuvenates the garden and there is always something new to see.
Parking: Parking attendants will direct you to suitable parking. Please do not park and block Controversy Drive – we need Controversy Drive to function with 2-way traffic.
Also at this garden (details to follow):
- Specialist plant sales
- Garden tools and equipment
- Food for sale
- Nature Facts Treasure Hunt for children – collect entry form at gate