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Birds of Kloof
Kloof is a veritable treasure trove for keen birders. 253 species have been recorded in the area including the illusive Narina Trogn, the raucous Trumpeter Hornbill (the bird in our logo!) and the majestic African Crowned Eagle who have a number of nesting sites in the Kloof Gorge.
Bird List
The full list of birds found in Kloof can be downloaded here: Download Bird List
Acknowledgement & thanks: The list was originated as part of the Southern Africa Bird Atlas Project 2 – a joint project of the South African National Bio-diversity Institute and Birdlife South Africa. The project is managed and run by the Animal Demography Unit, University of Cape Town and Birdlife South Africa. The observations were recorded by 21 observers in the Kloof/Hillcrest area over the period : September 2007 – May 2011.
Thanks also to Dave Bishop for assisting with advice, checking and editing of details