The Krantzkloof Nature Reserve, managed by Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife, conserves 668 ha of the Molweni and Nkutu River gorges that incise the sandstone Kloof plateau.
The reserve contains a wealth of biodiversity with a high level of endemism making it a critically important reserve in a heavily urbanised area.
Find at more about visiting the reserve at the Krantzkloof Nature Reserve website.
Reserve opening times
Krantzkloof Nature Reserve is managed by Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife. We do not set opening times, manage gates or control visitor limits. Please visit the Krantzkloof Nature Reserve website for more information about visiting the reserve.
Kloof Conservancy in the past supported the Reserve through a number of our projects. Read more about them on our Krantzkloof Nature Reserve projects page.
The Kloof Conservancy is currently not active in supporting the Krantzkloof Nature reserve and is focussing on areas outside of the reserve