Several of Kloof Conservancy’s projects are now complete. You can browse these projects on this page.

Krantzkloof Nature Reserve
A flagship project for over 20 years, the Conservancy funded invasive alien eradication programmes, the improvement of facilities and assisted with maintaining the network of trails.
3 Falls Trail Run
A prominent event on the KwaZulu-Natal trail running calendar for eight years, the 18.6 km flagship trail run offered magnificent views of the Krantzkloof Nature Reserve.

Krantzkloof Conference Centre
In January 2016, Kloof Conservancy took the lead role in refurbishing what was then the Interpretative Centre and converted it into The Krantzkloof Conference Centre.
More completed projects
School Support
Completed in 2009, local schools including Kloof High School, Kloof Senior and Junior Primary Schools, Forest Hills Primary School and Thomas More College all received funds and encouragement from Kloof Conservancy to remove Category 1 invasive trees, especially camphor trees, from their school grounds.
VEMA Trailer
Completed in 2010, Kloof Conservancy assisted VEMA HAR (Voluntary Emergency Medical Association – High Angle Rescue Unit) by purchasing a new trailer for them which houses all the equipment necessary for the efficient functioning of the Rescue Unit. Kloof Conservancy’s branding is quite evident on the body of the trailer.
Dave Underwood from Sharpline Screenprinting and Reflective Products sponsored all the artwork and signage for the trailer.
VEMA HAR is frequently called to do rescue work in Krantzkloof Nature Reserve when hikers get into difficulty and are injured.
Iphiti Nature Reserve
Completed in 2010, Kloof Conservancy contributed funds for alien eradication in the early days of the establishment of Iphithi Nature Reserve.
Camera Traps

In December 2010, the Ronald’s Kloof Stream Rehabilitation Project (supported by Kloof Conservancy) received a nomination for a Mayors Award in the Biodiversity Category from the Mayor of eThekwini Municipality. The residents decided to use the money from the Mayor’s award to purchase three Bushnell Trophy Cam camera traps which they donated to the Honorary Officers of the Krantzkloof Nature Reserve to record wildlife in the reserve.
The cameras work off batteries and use infra-red light to take photographs or video during daytime or at night. These cameras were used in selected areas in the reserve to record the movement of nocturnal animals about which very little is known at present.
For many years, Kloof Conservancy organised, managed and was responsible for the upkeep of the Recycling Center at the old Kloof Civic Building. This was then taken over by the Keep Kloof Beautiful Association (now The Kloof Project) who in 2011 significantly upgraded the entire facility with contributions from Kloof Conservancy.
Landscaping in Kloof
Kloof Conservancy originally sponsored the landscaping of several high visibility areas in Kloof namely the Kloof Town Hall, the front verge at First National Bank, the rail reserve in front of Stokers, the entrance to Kloof at the Pioneer Road off-ramp, and numerous traffic round-abouts.
In addition to improving and beautifying the environment, the landscaped areas served to educate the public on the impressive gardening that can be achieved with indigenous plants.

In the recent past the Keep Kloof Beautiful Association (now The Kloof Project) came into existence with a specific focus to beautify the Kloof area. As such Kloof Conservancy agreed that the sites originally established by the Conservancy should in future be managed by The Kloof Project.
Kloof Conservancy continues to manage the M13 Project and all related landscaping on the M13 off-ramps.
Neighbourhood Environmental Projects – St Mary’s
Kloof Conservancy has funded and continues to fund several Neighbourhood Environmental Projects (NEPs). One of the most successful of which was run by Dusty-Lee Donnelly in the neighbourhood surrounding St Mary’s and at Fields Crescent on the M13.
The project focused on invasive alien eradication on verges and in public open spaces.
Kloof Conservancy helped kick-start the project and provided some of the early funding. The project was otherwise totally funded by local residents, and in 2010 the budgeted expenditure of R10 per month per household was met. This level of funding made it a sustainable long-term project. Of course not everyone contributed but there has been a good response.
The work done also encouraged residents to beautify their own verges and several home owners took advantage of the offer to have the team’s workers clear IAPs inside their own gardens at cost.
In addition, the project received a generous donation of trees from Brad May, and also sourced nearly 200 saplings from Jean Senogles of WESSA for which a donation of R1000 was made to the WESSA Treasure Beach project.
This project was very successful but stopped in 2014.