In January 2016, Kloof Conservancy took the lead role in refurbishing what was then the Interpretative Centre and converted it into The Krantzkloof Conference Centre.
This project has ended. For bookings and enquiries please contact Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife. Please do not contact Kloof Conservancy.
The revamped venue was officially opened by Mr Sifiso Keswa, General Manager East Region for Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife, on 6 August 2016 at a cost of R 606 935 (including donations), of which R 321 935 was funded directly by Kloof Conservancy.

From the time of its opening, the centre became a popular venue not only for weddings and functions, but was also used as a community asset by NGOs and was chosen as the site of one of M-Net’s venues for its Wedding Bashers series. Since its launch, the venue generated R 383 765 in income, the bulk of which was reinvested in conservation.
Unfortunately, on 19 September 2020, Kloof Conservancy handed back the management of the Krantzkloof Conference Centre to Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife (EKZNW). This came about as EKZNW did not renew the lease on the venue.