Kloof Conservancy contributed over R5,000,000 (cash and cost of human resources) to Krantzkloof Nature Reserve over the course of this project.
This project ended in 2021 after 28 years of constructive co-operation. Visit the Krantzkloof Nature Reserve website for information about the Reserve, including opening and closing times and for any reserve related activities or issues.
You can still visit a local information page about Krantzkloof Nature Reserve for facts about the reserve.
Over a period of 28 years the Kloof Conservancy funded invasive alien eradication programmes and the improvement of facilities such as picnic sites, staff accommodation, parking area, entrances, signage, a major renovation of the Krantzkloof Conference Centre and also assisted with maintenance the network of trails.
Kloof Conservancy BioGuide
Kloof Conservancy BioGuide was officially launched on 21 November 2014. It is a QR Code based system for mobile devices first trialled in Krantzkloof Nature Reserve and since rolled out across Kloof, including to Memorial Park and the Msinsi Nature Reserve.
QR Codes are digital images which are captured by the camera on a digital mobile device and then software on the device accesses a website with information about a feature, mammal, tree, bird etc.

QR Code Labels were introduced in the Durban Botanical Gardens in 2014 as a project to label trees but we understand that this project was a first for an Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife reserve and possibly a first for any nature reserve in South Africa. The project took the concept developed at the Durban Botanical Gardens to a new level with the following exclusive features:
- Access to our own dedicated Kloof Conservancy BioGuide website – this enables us to use local information thus making the information more relevant and interesting to visitors.
- Use of responsive design which automatically adjusts the photographs and text to suit any mobile device – this means that you to not have to adjust your screen text size as the text immediately appears in a highly legible size and font. All you need to do is scroll up and down to read all the information.
- In our endeavours to reach a new audience and broaden the appeal of the reserve, visitors can switch from English to isiZulu at the tap of a finger.
The project was initiated in April 2014 and completed in July 2015. A total of 71 Labels covering 30 different species/features were installed.