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    Our Projects

    Neighbourhood Environment Projects


    Kloof Conservancy encourages neighbourhoods to eradicate gardens and street verges of IAPs. Funding has been provided as “seed” money to get these projects under way until such time as they can raise adequate funds from the residents.

    Ronald’s Kloof

    This project involves the re-habilitation of 5ha of conservation servitude situated between Memorial Park and Krantzkloof Nature Reserve. Ronald’s Kloof Stream runs through this land which is environmentally sensitive due to its proximity to the reserve. The project has been running since 2005 and Kloof Conservancy sponsored some of the initial alien eradication work which enabled the project to establish itself and subsequently become self funded through resident participation. In 2010 the project was recognised for its contribution to the environment when it received a Bio-diversity award (nominated finalist) from the Major of eThekwini. The funds from the award were used to purchase and donate 3 Bushnell Trophy Cam camera traps to Krantzkloof Nature Reserve.

    This project is a good demonstration of how a D’MOSS area can be rehabilitated to create a biodiversity haven. This project is now self-funding from residents contributions.

    See the photo gallery on this small D’MOSS jewel on our facebook page: Ronald’s Kloof Stream Photo Gallery

    Project leader: Paolo Candotti

     Uve Stream Project

    This project started in 2013 and involves private properties along the Uve Stream just before it enters Krantzkloof Nature Reserve and as such is a critical project for the protection of the reserve.

    The area is infested with a variety of IAPs including tradescantia fluminensis, ginger lilies and lantana. Funds have been raised from residents to fund a labourer to clear the IAPs.

    Project Leader: Mark Liptrot / Gwynne Massey

    Nkonka Valley Project

    This project on private land started in mid 2015 and is supported by Kloof Conservancy. The area contains a valuable grassland section as well as a riverine forest. The Nkonka stream feeds into Krantzkloof Nature Reserve so any improvement to the upstream area will have a significant benefit to the reserve.

    A team of residents works to rehabilitate the area for a few hours every Saturday.

    Project Leader: Mike Coppinger

    Our Projects

    Neighbourhood Environment Projects